When it comes to the fresh coffee, nothing comes close to freshly ground coffee beans. Even if you were to go to a grocery store that sold whole coffee beans in bulk, and you could grind the beans in the store, it still wouldn’t be as fresh as if you had your own home grinder.
Coffee bean grinders are different from grain mill grinders simply because of the oil content found in the bean. Many grain mills cannot handle coffee beans, so it’s important to note that you will need a burr grinder specifically designed for coffee beans. There are many to choose from, from the most expensive coughing several hundred dollars to the ones on this list that are much more affordable and suitable for everyday use.
A burr grinder gets its name because it uses two stones rotating in opposite directions it to crush the bean. At least, stones are the traditional method. The stainless steel has often been seen as an alternative to stones. Burr grinders are a step up from blade grinders and crush the coffee bean quite well. There are many misconceptions, and quite frankly, blissful ignorance that surrounds the art of grinding your own coffee bean. For the discerning connoisseur, I will say that once you experience fresh coffee beans for yourself, you will never want to buy standard preground coffee ever again.
I chose four different coffee mills to introduce you to the world of grinding your own coffee. As part of this introduction, I’ve specifically avoided coffee mills that ran several hundred dollars. Every one of these mills cost about the same price as you would pay to go out to eat. They’re not too horribly cheap, but they’re not necessarily the Rolls-Royce of coffee milling as that will cost you well over $1000 for the best of the best. I wanted to bring to you an introduction and let you know that it does not cost an arm and a leg to enjoy a fresh coffee every morning.
These machines only grind the coffee. They do not make it. Once they are ground, you are free to use them in any coffee maker. French Presses use a coarser grind while espresso machines require the finest grind. The ability to grind your own coffee does offer you more freedom to choose whatever bean you want (or bean blend, for that matter) in whatever coffee maker you choose. You will no longer be stuck with store-bought coffee and a traditional automatic drip coffee maker.
Without further do, let’s get started.
Cuisinart Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill
[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”B000K9VPGY” locale=”US” src=”http://coffeemakersparadise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/412ZXCHGRJL.SL160.jpg” tag=”cafe049-20″ width=”98″]I’m a big fan to Cuisinart. I just found out the other day to [easyazon_link identifier=”B000K9VPGY” locale=”US” tag=”cafe049-20″]Cuisinart[/easyazon_link] is owned by Conair – yes, the same people who make hair dryers and curling irons. Fancy that, eh? Not that that has anything to do with grinding coffee. I have come to have high expectations when it comes to any appliance that bears the Cuisinart name. It was a little loud, but then again it’s using a high-speed motor to grind and crush some very tough beans. It did an excellent job in a relatively short amount of time, and I’m quite pleased with it.It has a stainless steel design, and very easy to use. The adjustable dial is around the base of the coffee bean chamber. It was very easy to read, and very easy to turn. I experienced the coarse grind all the way to the fine grind. It took about 2 ½ minutes to grind a full chamber of beans. The ground beans are funneled into a special container that I can remove with a large opening. I then scoop the coffee into my coffee maker and enjoy fresh coffee within a minute of the grinding process. I expect nothing less from the Cuisinart name.
Melitta Coffee Grinder
I may not have a whole lot of experience with [easyazon_link identifier=”B004M17K9C” locale=”US” tag=”cafe049-20″]Melitta[/easyazon_link] as a brand, but I do notice a theme going on here. They like to add a bold red stripe across their appliances. It’s a great little accent, and if they manage to keep up with that kind of design, their appliances will be easy to pick out of a crowd. Despite the noticeable red stripe accent, the very shape and size of this coffee grinder makes it perfect for those kitchens that don’t have much space. The footprint is very small, and the controls are very simple.
After you fill the bean chamber with beans, you’ll be pleased to know that this machine it will grind the perfect amount of beans at any given time for the amount of coffee that you wish to brew. It may only have three grind size settings, but it will do an excellent job of grinding it to your specifications very quickly. The fine setting is perfect for espresso while the coarse setting is more suitable for your French Press. At the bottom, you’ll find an adjustable switch that will tell the grinder to grind just the amount of coffee beans that you plan on using at that time. This is perfect for ensuring that you don’t waste coffee beans. It will grind the perfect amount of beans for the perfect amount of coffee you wish to brew – and nothing more. This means that you will have fresh coffee every time you brew. You will not have leftover ground coffee beans that just aren’t as fresh 24 hours later. It’s the little things in life that matter, right?
Capresso Stainless Steel Cool Grind Coffee Grinder
When I unboxed this [easyazon_link identifier=”B00030J24M” locale=”US” tag=”cafe049-20″]coffee grinder[/easyazon_link], it reminded me of my college days. It sports a really compact design, which is perfect for those who don’t like big, bulky appliances with many parts that can go missing or break easily. It reminded me of my college days because of the included cord storage. If you don’t have a lot of counter space, like a shared dorm, then you simply pick up this extremely lightweight coffee grinder and wrap the corridor around the grinder in the integrated cord storage space provided toward the base of the device.
This one uses stainless steel to grind the beans. It’s incredibly efficient – and that’s not something I would expect from a grinder of this size. It ground the beans very fast and much quieter than some of the models we tested. So in addition to its seemingly compact size, it gives you one more to buy this one when noise level matters (like a shared dorm room). I still wouldn’t use it in the same room that someone is sleeping in. It’s not that quiet.
KRUPS Burr Coffee Grinder with Grind Size and Cup Selection
[easyazon_link identifier=”B005EM9F4Q” locale=”US” tag=”cafe049-20″]KRUPS[/easyazon_link] is not a name I see very often in consumer-level kitchen appliances. Then again, this one has the most options I’ve seen a coffee grinder this affordable. This one is truly for the home coffee connoisseur. Not only does it give you the option to
This one is not necessarily quiet per se but is not the loudest one I’ve heard. With the ability to precisely control the size of the coffee bean, I expected a grinder like this to cost ten times what they’re charging for it. That being said, I recommend this one the most out of this entire list.
Coffee grinders do one thing and one thing only. They will crush and grind the coffee bean right there in front of you. From the moment the shell of that bean is cracked, it will release an aroma that is as heavenly as freshly baked bread. Not to be too coarse on the matter, but if the sound of these coffee grinders doesn’t wake anybody up, the seductive aroma will. See what I did there? I attempted to be funny playing on the word “coarse” but… Who am I kidding? Go out there and start grinding beans already! It is an experience to be appreciated.