What Coffee Grinder Should I Buy?

What Coffee Grinder Should I Buy?

what coffee grinder should i buyDoes your coffee taste excessively bitter?

Does it produce insufficient crema?

If it does, then I would guess that you purchased pre-ground coffee instead of whole bean and grinding it yourself. Am I right?

A grinder is a vital part of having a good cup of Joe. Your coffee machine doesn’t make a second-rate coffee.

But it’s exactly what it’ll produce if you don’t use the right coffee grinder.

Grounded coffeeThe Importance of a Coffee Grinder

Baristas may have developed a skill set that allows them to produce the best espresso to their customers. But their skill set isn’t the core of it.

Rather, it’s the quality of grinder that they use to grind the coffee beans to precise particle sizes.

For most baristas, they’d consider the grinder as the rock star of their espresso show.

What coffee grinder should I buy?

By adding a coffee grinder to your kitchen, you can enjoy a professional cup of Joe in the morning, mid-morning or evening without having to hire a barista.

When you choose a coffee grinder, look for the quality of the grind and ease of use.

Ultimately, you’ll need a grinder that offers a consistent grind. Between burr and blade grinders, the former can offer the same ground, regardless of the setting you choose. The latter, however, can produce consistent grind without leftover chunks.

Coffee grinderIn terms of versatility, get a burr grinder that can handle every size grind, from coarser to French press to super fine for Turkish. Blade grinder is a press-a-button-and-grind device so versatility isn’t necessary.

For operation, blade grinders tend to be noisy. If it’s a problem at home or in the office, you should opt for a manual coffee grinder.

As regards to ease of use, a blade grinder is your better option if you want a fresh cup of coffee without the hassle of cleaning up.

If you’re a coffee connoisseur, burr grinder is your better bet as it crushes the beans slowly, thereby, preserving flavour and aroma. A ceramic burr coffee grinder is the best machine to get the possible taste and fragrance.

How about the budget for the grinder?

It depends on how much you can afford. But for me, I’d spend almost the same amount on my grinder as I would on my espresso machine.

That said, if you have a $100-coffee machine, get a $50-grinder.

But there are less expensive grinder options available.

You just have to consider that the grinder is a vital part of your overall purchase.

And if you have produced shots or a professional cup of Joe that will topple 95% of the cafes around you, it’s easier to justify your spending.

What models to purchase?

It can be overwhelming to find the best coffee grinder with all the options available. But you can get started with these models.

Mr. Coffee Automatic Burr Mill Grinder

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”300″ identifier=”B004T6EJS0″ locale=”US” src=”http://coffeemakersparadise.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/41cFCttjrRL.jpg” tag=”cafe049-20″ width=”300″]Everything about [easyazon_link identifier=”B004T6EJS0″ locale=”US” tag=”cafe049-20″]Mr. Coffee[/easyazon_link] is designed to help you make a great espresso at home. It’s a more affordable model with 18 custom grind settings. It also comes with a removable bean hopper and a grinding chamber.

The hopper can hold 1/2 pound of coffee at a time, and the grinder offers the best particle consistency.

This model is a burr grinder so you can expect a more uniform grind than when you use a blade grinder. With a more consistent grind, you’ll get the best possible flavor.

If you’re like me who tastes and prepares different coffees at home, you’ll love how you can quickly remove its hopper and the coffee without having to spill a single bean.

It’s a great machine if you seriously want to up your home espresso game.

Ritual Manual Ceramic Burr Coffee Grinder

Ritual Manual Ceramic Burr Coffee GrinderIf you don’t mind cranking out your morning cup of Joe, you’ll find that this machine offers exceptional particle consistency.

What I like most about this Ritual Manual Grinder is the extra large reservoir. It’s one of the biggest machines in the manual coffee grinder category. This model can hold up to 10 ounces by volume.

Although it’s quite large, it can produce a decent medium grind and coarse grind. Unlike those fancier models, this machine doesn’t have a timer for dialing to get a perfect dose.

But you’ll be attracted to it because of its simple and easy to use grinding system. The result is good enough to make coffee purists happy.

If you’re new to manual grinding, it may take time for you to adjust with the design. But overall, it’s built well.

KRUPS Electric Spice and Coffee Grinder

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”300″ identifier=”B00004SPEU” locale=”US” src=”http://coffeemakersparadise.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/41NQRigTUdL.jpg” tag=”cafe049-20″ width=”184″]This model is for those who are looking for a simple, budget-friendly coffee grinder. Some may complain about how small the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00004SPEU” locale=”US” tag=”cafe049-20″]KRUPS Grinder[/easyazon_link] is, but many it is the perfect size for individual cups or small pots of coffee.

This machine is hard to beat when it comes to performance, price, versatility and durability. It’s a consistent grinder for coffee, spices, and seeds with finely and evenly result.

When in use, it feels sturdy and very solid. It’s also small and light so you can easily store it in a cupboard. It stylish appearance will make it a great addition to your counter.

Final Thoughts

Your coffee grinder doesn’t need to be expensive. You must choose a machine that can truly give you a professional morning coffee. Also, dont’ be intimidated. If you only have a standard coffee maker, you’ll be satisfied with a less-expensive grinder. These coffee grinders work just fine for most specialty coffees.

As you become more experienced in the art of grinding coffee beans, you can work your way up to a more expensive option.

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