Keurig Archives - Page 4 of 4 - Coffee Maker's Paradise
All posts in "Keurig"

Looking for The Best Reusable K-Cup for Stronger Coffee?

Who doesn’t like a good strong cup of coffee? I’m not one of those people that wants to my coffee to look and taste like something else. I want the real deal! Not weak or mild, but a good strong and bold cup of coffee. Since my coffee addiction leads me to drink a cup […]


What Is The Best Reusable K-Cup?

<p><img src=”×300.png” alt=”best reusable k cup” width=”263″ height=”300″ />Keurig made popular one of the most attractive small office/home office coffee machines on the market today. Their machines allow you to brew coffee for one without wasting coffee, buying filters, or in some cases, even waiting for the coffee to be brewed. The Keurig machine has […]


Which of the K Cup Coffee Makers is Right for Me?

Keurig made a name that had been sweeping the nation by storm. When most people go into business, they are told not toreinvent the wheel. Apparently, Keurig missed that lecture because they went and did just that: they reinvented the way we make coffee. Not that there was anything wrong with the traditional method; in […]

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